
About Crystal Igel

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So far Crystal Igel has created 13 blog entries.

Inpatient Hospital Care


Medical necessity of inpatient care is determined by a combination of factors including the physician’s assessment of the patient’s history and physical, commonly referred to as the H&P, as well as the review of specific risk factors that are characteristic to the patient’s condition at the time of admission. [...]

ABA Services


Autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder, is a complex disability affecting 1 in 68 children. It is now common for those diagnosed to follow a treatment plan. Some insurance policies require a treatment plan outlining the frequency and expected outcomes/goals for the services provided. State laws often require certain doctors, such [...]

Transitional Care Management

2023-05-23T17:50:01+00:00Reference Guides|

Transitional Care Management (TCM) is the service provided to a patient whose transition from an inpatient medical facility back to their home requires moderate or high-level complex medical decision making. Qualifying facilities for the patient’s inpatient medical stay include inpatient hospital, partial hospital, observation status in a hospital, [...]



Current technology combined with the need to develop greater convenience and a broader spectrum in the healthcare industry has allowed for the incorporation of telemedicine into the medical field. Within the United States, hospital physicians began experimenting with telemedicine over 50 years ago. Currently, due to the transformation of [...]

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